
Ever wanted to understand what RUSSIANS are talking?

Then this might be the perfect course for you.

Through 12 stories you will learn to listen, understand, write and speak.
You are learning the language through an intuitive concept, instead of learning single, isolated words.
Therefore learning will be more joyful!

Here you can get the whole RUSSIAN-course:

  • PDF-Logo-png12 short stories in Russian
  • PDF-Logo-pngwritten translation in English
  • PDF-Logo-pngSpecial “Word for Word” translation
  • mp3logo Audios in “Russian” spoken from locals.
  • mp3logoAudios in “English”
  • PDF-Logo-png59 pages content as pdf
  • mp3logoPDF-Logo-png12 stories as mp3 + 12 times as slow recording, in Russian
  • + Sentence for Sentence mp3´s  (English to Russian)… listen and learn.
  • Get it HERE
  • There are 2 Options:1/ You can get the PAPERBACK Version with all the links to the MP3´s

    2/ Or you order only the digital Version

    1/Order PAPERBACK + free MP3´s pfeil nach unten

2/ Order digital Version pfeil nach unten

for the offer of 12 € all inclusive.

The course is right after the payment available for you.

NO Abonnement!
NO Spam!

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Good luck,

Anton Hager


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in German:

„Unsere Abbuchung erfolgt durch auf Ihrem Konto“


Anton Hager

Bezegg 532
6870 Bezau
Tel +436805556837

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